OSAP has Worked with Over 650 Colleges and Universities

Since 1985 students from 46 states recommended through this programme and related programmes conducted by the president of OSAP have studied in co-operation with 14 of 30 undergraduate colleges which constitute the University of Oxford. These students had previously studied at over 650 mostly leading colleges and universities. Some of these distinguished universities are listed below. Naturally, no endorsement of the programme by these colleges should be inferred.

Adrian College Georgetown University Oklahoma State University
Agnes Scott College George Washington University Olivet College
Air Force Academy University of Georgia University of the Pacific
American University Gettysburg College Pacific Lutheran University
Amherst College Gonzaga University University of Pennsylvania
Arcadia University Gordon College University of Pennsylvania Law
Arizona State University Goucher College Pennsylvania State University
University of Arkansas Grossmont College Pfeiffer University
Azusa Pacific University Grove City College Princeton University
Babson College Hamilton College Queen’s University (Ontario)
Barnard College Hampden-Sydney College Reed College
Bates College Hampshire College Rhodes College
Birmingham-Southern College Harvard University University of Richmond
Boston College Hastings College of Law, CA University of Rochester
Boston University Heidelberg College Rutgers University
Boston University Law School Hillsdale College Saint Xavier University
Bowdoin College Hobart College St. Michael’s College
Bridgewater College Hofstra University University of San Diego
Brown University Hollins College University of San Diego School of Law
Bryn Mawr College Holy Cross College San Diego State University
University of California, Berkeley Hong Kong University of Science and Technology University of San Francisco
University of California, Irvine Howard University Sarah Lawrence College
University of California, Los Angeles Hunter College Scripps College (Claremont, CA)
University of California, San Diego University of Illinois Sewanee
California State University, San Bernardino Indiana University Skidmore College
Carnegie Mellon University Institute of World Politics Smith College
Case Western Reserve University of Iowa University of South Carolina
Catholic University of America Iowa State University University of Southern California
Cedarville University James Madison University Stanford University
Chapman University Japan Study Abroad Foundation State University of New York (SUNY) (15 colleges)
University of Chicago The Johns Hopkins University Stetson University
University of Chicago Graduate School of Business Kansas State University Swarthmore College
The Citadel Kenyon College Syracuse University
Claremont McKenna College The King’s College University of Tampa
College of Charleston King University University of Tennessee
The College of New Jersey Lafayette College University of Texas
College of Wooster Lake Forest College University of Texas at Dallas
Colby College University of La Verne Texas A&M University
Colgate College Lawrence University Trinity College (CT)
University of Colorado at Boulder Lehigh University Trinity College (DC)
Colorado Christian University Long Island University Tufts University
Colorado College Loyola University Maryland Tulane University
Colorado School of Mines Manhattanville Union College
Colorado State University Marymount University USIEA
Columbia College, NY University of Massachusetts, Boston Vanderbilt University
Columbia University Graduate Business School Massachusetts Institute of Technology Vassar College
Concordia University, Irvine Messiah College University of Vermont
Connecticut College University of Michigan Villanova University
Cornell University Middlebury College University of Virginia
Cornerstone University University of Minnesota Virginia Commonwealth University
Dalhousie University University of Minnesota Law School Virginia Military Institute
University of Dallas Mississippi State University Wabash College
Dartmouth College University of Montana Wake Forest University
Davidson College Naval Academy Washington College
University of Dayton New College of Florida Washington University, MO
DePaul University University of New Hampshire University of Washington, WA
Dickinson College New York University Washington and Lee
Drake University University of North Carolina Wellesley College
Duke University Northeastern University Wesleyan College
Eastern University Northern Michigan University Western Washington University
Emory University Notre Dame of Maryland Wheaton College
Erskine College Oberlin College Whitman College
Fordham University Oglethorpe University College of William & Mary
Franklin & Marshall College Ohio State University University of Wisconsin
George Mason University Ohio Wesleyan University Yale University
George Mason School of Law Oklahoma City University Yale-NUS College

"OSAP is the best academic study abroad program in Oxford."

"I enjoyed my tutorials immensely and think this system of teaching to be one of the best I have ever encountered. It allowed me to become more interested than I have ever been in my subjects."