Full-Length Terms: Dates & Fees

OSAP invites both Associate Members and Visiting Students to apply to study in Oxford for one or more of Oxford University’s three academic terms.

Typically students who wish to study in Oxford for an entire academic year, and who come from home universities which operate on the semester system, apply to study for the Michaelmas (Autumn) and Hilary (Winter) terms. An added advantage of studying for one or two terms is that most applicants, and all of those holding American passports, do not need to apply for a Student Visa in advance of arriving in the United Kingdom (you may, though, need to apply for an ETA; see this page for more information on student visas and ETAs).

Some students choose to take advantage of the entire Oxford academic year, and apply for all three terms: Michaelmas (Autumn, Hilary (Winter), and Trinity (Spring). Students wishing to study in Oxford for all three terms will need also to apply for a Student Visa (see this page for more information on student visas and ETAs).

The terms and dates in Oxford for Associate Members and Visiting students who apply through OSAP are outlined below.

OSAP Academic Calendar: 2024-2025

Michaelmas Term
2024 24 September 2024 15 December 2024
Michaelmas and Hilary Terms
Autumn and Winter
2024-2025 24 September 2024 06 April 2025
Hilary Term
2025 09 January 2025 06 April 2025
Hilary and Trinity Terms
Winter and Spring
2025 09 January 2025 30 June 2025
Trinity Term
2025 15 April 2025 30 June 2025
Academic Year
Michaelmas, Hilary, and Trinity Terms
2024-2025 24 September 2024 30 June 2025


Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for Associate Members and Visiting Students include the cost of tuition, Oxford college fees, Oxford library fees, single room housing (in our standard housing) for approximately 13 weeks a term (allowing some time for educational travel), 4-5 educational tours, and a medical plan. Please note: OSAP students are not eligible for European Union tuition discounts, or other discounts based upon their country of origin.

Additional expenses, which are not included in the tuition and fees payable to OSAP, include meals (students can expect to pay about $1,300 per term for their meals), any club fees, any sports team fees, and any books that might be purchased. Note: owing to higher tutorial and lab access fees, students electing to study science subjects may incur a surcharge.

Associate Member Fees
2024-2025 $21,800 $43,600 $65,400


Visiting Student Fees

Visiting Student applicants should note that because OSAP must pay higher college and University fees, the costs for Visiting Student status are substantially higher than the fees paid by Associate Members.

2024-2025 $26,825 $53,650 $80,475


The fees above include the $500 ($750 from 2025-2026) Visiting Student Application Fee (non-refundable), which must be paid before your application is submitted for consideration. Visiting Student application fees can be paid online via this link.

Most of the students and campuses that work with OSAP are pleased with the benefits of Associate Member status and consider Visiting Student status to be a bonus but not essential. Visiting Student Status is however, an option for those highly qualified students who might be interested. Note: owing to higher University fees for students studying science subjects, students electing to do so may incur a surcharge.

Average Use Policy

Because fees for both Visiting Students and Associate Members are set on an “average use” basis, there are no refunds for students who choose to enroll in fewer tutorials (or who choose not to take a certain tour, not to use a certain library, live in Oxford college housing (if available), leave a week or two early, etc.).

1098-T Tuition Statements

Owing to Internal Revenue Service regulations and institutional eligibility requirements, OSAP is not able to provide 1098-T Tuition Statements for tuition paid.

"OSAP is the best academic study abroad program in Oxford."

"The work was challenging and both my tutors were wonderful! Joining the crew team was one of the best things I did here; I would highly recommend getting involved in sports because you get to know so many people and meet lots of British students."