At the conclusion of your studies a hard copy of your transcript will be sent to your home university registrar and to your home address. Should you need additional hard copies, you may place your order using the form below.
Hard copies of your transcripts are $25.00/each and are posted to the address you specify from our Oxford office.
Note: This form should not be used for ordering school-of-record transcripts. If you registered for a school-of-record transcript and need additional copies of it, please contact the school-of-record directly.
All payments are in US Dollars. Please direct all transcript order and payment queries to
The OSAP overseas program in Oxford hosts the largest number of students each year.
MORE INFO"I was taught by two Professors [holders of Chairs, usually only one don in the University in each subject], both of whom were Fellows of the British Academy. My academic program could not have been better."
"My academic program was very good."