WISC and OSAP welcome diversity amongst its students, staff and visitors, recognising the contributions to the achievement of the organisation’s mission that can be made by all individuals, including disabled people. The organisation aims to provide an inclusive and accessible working, learning and social environment in which the rights and dignity of all its staff and students are respected to assist them in reaching their full potential. The organisation will work to remove any barriers which might deter people of the highest potential and ability from applying to WISC and OSAP, either as staff or students.
WISC and OSAP are committed to promoting equality of opportunity between disabled people and other people, eliminating unlawful discrimination for disabled people and harassment of disabled people, promoting positive attitudes towards disabled people, encouraging participation by disabled people in the life of the organisation and taking steps to meet the needs of disabled people, including where necessary by more favourable treatment. The organisation will assess the impact of policies on disabled students and staff, monitor their recruitment and progression and publish the results of impact assessments and monitoring.
Any unlawful discriminatory behaviour, including harassment or bullying by individuals or groups, will be regarded extremely seriously and could be regarded as grounds for disciplinary action, which may include expulsion or dismissal.
All disabled students applying to study with WISC or OSAP will be housed appropriately for the nature of their condition, provided that they provide details of their disability on their housing form. WISC employs a full-time Housing Manager who makes alterations to houses in the event of a disabled student studying through WISC.
In the event of a student attending WISC or OSAP who is unable to access the office, arrangements will be made to carry out all necessary tutorials, lectures welcome parties etc. on other premises around Oxford city centre. Tutors and academic staff will be made aware of any specific needs a student may have, prior to the start of term.
Heyfordian Coaches, who principally provide coach hire to WISC and OSAP, can provide disabled access on their vehicles. Tours will never be arranged which may exclude disabled students.
Any disabled student will be provided for on an individual basis, however WISC does not employ specialist support staff. Guidance, support and training will be provided to members of staff in the event of a disabled student applying to study with WISC or OSAP to ensure that the organisation’s commitment to disability equality is fully realised. Advice and support will be sought from the Oxford University colleges WISC works with.
The organisation has arrangements in place to monitor students’ welfare throughout their time in Oxford. Students complete a thorough evaluation form on their departure which is used to make improvements to the program at the end of each term.
The Office Manager is responsible for securing compliance with the general and specific duties and for overseeing implementation of the Scheme; as well as for the promotion, development, implementation, monitoring, prioritisation and review of equality policies generally.
All staff members are responsible for ensuring that this policy is embedded in their duties and functions in relation to both students and staff.
Those with managerial responsibilities have a duty to take forward specific actions under this policy and ensure that the policy is adhered to in their departments.
The organisation’s procurement policies will address, where appropriate the obligation to promote disability equality and equality between disabled people and other people.
The President, Academic Director and Office Manager will review the Disability Equality Policy annually, to ensure it is being upheld and to suggest improvements based on staff and student feedback.
The organisation will publish the Disability Equality Policy on the notice board in the foyer of 3rd Floor, Chester House as well as on the websites: www.wiscabroad.com and www.osapabroad.com.
Any prospective or current student or member of staff who has a complaint concerning a breach of this policy should contact the Office Manager at adam.brown@osapabroad.com or 01865 201132. Any complaint will be handled with confidence.
A copy of the Grievance Procedure can be found on the notice board in the foyer of 3rd Floor, Chester House.
"The academic program was excellent. The OSAP administration was great. OSAP events were well planned, and it appears that OSAP gives us more privileges, access, etc. to the University than other programs."
"My academic program was excellent. Much more work than expected. My law and ethics course was amazing--definitely worth the work...I wrote 13 essays!"