Tours and Events

OSAP offers a variety of field trips and excursions to help students learn about the history and culture of Oxford and the surrounding area. While Oxford, the city also known as the “Medieval City of Dreaming Spires”, has existed for over a millennium, the surrounding region is even richer in history which OSAP wants every student to appreciate.

In addition to museum visits in the city of Oxford, below are some of the tours typically offered to every enrolled OSAP student. The number of arranged tours will depend on the length of time a student is enrolled.

Walking Tour of Oxford  – This is an introduction to the geography and history of the city center of Oxford. The tour includes visits to some of the 39 colleges of Oxford University, Blackwell’s Bookstore and the Bodleian Library, as well as pubs, chemists, supermarkets, restaurants and other useful places.

Blenheim Palace  – The ancestral home of the Dukes of Marlborough and birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill (voted ‘Greatest Briton of All Time’) Blenheim Palace and the surrounding estate is contiguous with the picturesque village of Woodstock with its many fine shops and pubs.

Stratford – Students visit the Shakespeare Birthplace Museum and the town of Stratford-upon-Avon. The tour is timed to include a performance of a production of one of Shakespeare’s plays at the Courtyard Theatre.

Bath and Stonehenge – Students travel to the beautiful Roman and Georgian City of Bath to visit the famous Roman Baths (built on an ancient pilgrimage site) and Stonehenge, considered to be one of the most famous prehistoric sites in the world.

Portsmouth – One of the finest cities in which to explore the heritage and atmosphere of maritime England, students explore Portsmouth and tour the historic Royal Dockyard which has been the traditional home of the Royal Navy for centuries.  Students may visit Admiral Nelson’s flagship, HMS Victory.

Cambridge – The “other place” is a mirror image of Oxford.  Students may visit the beautiful King’s College Chapel, Trinity College, the river with its many punts, gardens, etc.

London – Students sometimes visit the Churchill Museum with its World War II Underground Bunker, the Globe Theatre (rebuilt), Westminster Abbey, Parliament, the British Museum, etc. etc.

"I was taught by two Professors [holders of Chairs, usually only one don in the University in each subject], both of whom were Fellows of the British Academy. My academic program could not have been better."

"My academic program was excellent. Much more work than expected. My law and ethics course was amazing--definitely worth the work...I wrote 13 essays!"