The academic supervisor in Oxford will recommend to the Associate Member’s U.S. home college that he or she receive 13-14 U.S. semester credits for the completion of 14 Oxford tutorials within a thirteen-week period of residence each term. U.S. students normally earn between 14 and 16 semester credits for half an academic year. The Term for an Associate Member who does academic work over a thirteen-week period is therefore approximately equivalent to a standard U.S. semester.
Associate Members enrolled for the entire academic year will normally earn between 36 and 39 US semester credits. The students are not degree candidates in Oxford University and are (by prior arrangement) under the academic supervision of their U.S. home college, not of their Oxford College. It is always the responsibility of the U.S. home college to award credits towards its degree, and proper arrangements for credit transfer should be made in advance.
OSAP will ensure that accepted Visiting Students will be in residence for 13 weeks a term and will study in two primary tutorial courses of nine tutorial sessions each. The average Visiting Student is recommended to receive 18 U.S. semester credits over 12-13 weeks of intensive academic work, provided that the standard tutorial regime is completed.
Prior to departure, it is important to get approval from the study abroad office and academic department of your home campus to ensure the credits you earn while studying with OSAP transfer toward the degree from your home campus. This credit transfer approval process is and must be entirely the responsibility of the student.
Associate Member transcripts are issued by OSAP, while Visiting Student transcripts are sent from the student’s Oxford University college.
Prior to departure, it is important to get approval from the study abroad office and academic department of your home college or university to ensure the credits you earn while studying with OSAP will transfer toward the degree from your home campus. WISC/OSAP is accredited by the British Accreditation Council. For more information on our accreditation, click here.
The OSAP Associate Member transcript consists of 1) a cover letter on OSAP letterhead (signed by the Tutor for Associate Members in that particular college), confirming that the student has been attached to an Oxford University college as an Associate Member, and taught in the same way and to the same standard as an Oxford University degree candidate; 2) a grade report with the course titles, tutors’ names and grades; 3) a grade conversion scale (converting the Greek grades assigned by Oxford tutors into U.S. grades); and 4) individual tutorial reports from the Oxford tutors (usually these reports are issued on the tutor’s department or college letterhead).
The Visiting Student transcript consists of all of the Associate Member transcript components listed above, with the exception of the cover letter; as Visiting Student transcripts are sent by the student’s Oxford college, the accompanying cover letter will be on the student’s Oxford college letterhead, and will be signed by the Tutor for Visiting Students in that particular college.
Given the components necessary for each transcript, and the potential time it takes to compile each transcript and receive the necessary approvals and signatures, students are advised that transcripts are typically issued 5 to 7 weeks from the end of the term, at which point a hard copy is sent both to the student’s permanent address and to their home university registrar.
Our students say that these transcripts are invaluable as they apply for jobs, graduate schools, etc., as each transcript includes reports (doubling as recommendation letters) from their Oxford tutors. These reports demonstrate that the student has been successful in completing work to Oxford University standards. Many of our Associate Members and Visiting Students return to Oxford as full degree candidates each year, due in large part to their OSAP transcript.
If your home campus requires a transcript from an accredited North American institution of higher education, OSAP may be able to arrange for our American school-of-record to issue an “American-formatted” transcript. It is essential to apply in advance of the Oxford term (before September 1st for Michaelmas Term, before January 1st for Hilary Term, and before May 1st for all Summer Terms) for consideration for this transcript.
To register for a transcript from our American school-of-record, please contact our offices, before the deadlines listed above, at
Transcripts detailing your academic work in Oxford will be sent (usually to your registrar) within three months of the time you leave Oxford. On occasion a tutor is late in submitting grades; however, we do our best to expedite all transcripts.
You may find you need additional transcripts, grade reports or a letter from one of your tutors. We will be glad to assist. Transcripts are $15 for each copy. You can order transcripts by visiting our Transcript Order page. If you have questions about your transcripts, please contact
"My academic program was excellent. Much more work than expected. My law and ethics course was amazing--definitely worth the work...I wrote 13 essays!"
"OSAP is the best academic study abroad program in Oxford."