We are excited that you have chosen to study in Oxford through OSAP, and we hope your time here is both rewarding and enjoyable.
As you prepare for your time in Oxford, you will no doubt have several questions related to orientation, housing, libraries, tutorials, and living in Oxford. We hope that this section of our website, and especially the links below, will answer some of the most frequently asked questions. Though not exhaustive, it is certainly a good starting point as you prepare for your studies in Oxford.
Preparing for Oxford
Arrival and Orientation
Living in Oxford
Medical Care
Departing Oxford
In addition to the information listed on the pages above, be sure to review carefully your acceptance letter and the materials you receive as part of your Orientation Programme, as each contain vital information pertaining to your studies in Oxford.
If, after reviewing this information, you have additional questions, please contact the IR Programme Director, Corey Gustafson, at corey.gustafson@osapabroad.com.
The OSAP overseas program in Oxford hosts the largest number of students each year.
MORE INFO"My academic program was excellent. Much more work than expected. My law and ethics course was amazing--definitely worth the work...I wrote 13 essays!"
"The JCR provided a warm welcome, socially, academically, and athletically, without any regard to associate member status."