OSAP Associate Members are required to submit a passport photo for their Bodleian Library ID card (Visiting Students submit their photo directly to their Oxford college, and will be contacted by the college with instructions on how to do this).
Passport photos may be submitted digitally, using the instructions below.
Please note: You should not submit a photo of your passport, but rather a “passport-style photo” (i.e. a clear headshot), which can be taken using a phone or similar device against a white background.
Please ensure your photo meets the following guidelines (as taken from the www.gov.uk website). Submitting a photo which does not meet these criteria may result in its rejection and you having to resubmit your photo.
Your photo must be:
Your photo must:
In your photo you must:
Good and bad examples of photos:
Following the guidelines above, you may take your photo against a white wall or background and submit it digitally using the form below.
Please note: You should not submit a photo of your passport, but rather a “passport-style photo” (i.e. a clear headshot), which can be taken using a phone or similar device against a white background.
Should you have any questions about your photo, or experience difficulty submitting your photo, please email passportphoto@osapabroad.com and an OSAP Academic Advisor will respond to your query.
The OSAP overseas program in Oxford hosts the largest number of students each year.
MORE INFO"I was taught by two Professors [holders of Chairs, usually only one don in the University in each subject], both of whom were Fellows of the British Academy. My academic program could not have been better."
"The JCR provided a warm welcome, socially, academically, and athletically, without any regard to associate member status."