We hope that when your term in Oxford draws to an end, that you would have had an enjoyable and profitable time in this city, academically, culturally, and personally.

We ask that as you prepare to depart that you consider the points below–not only do they address matters like evaluations and transcripts, but also important departure procedures.


OSAP always asks students to evaluate their overall programme each term to improve all aspects of the programme. The few minutes you spend doing this will be of help to future students, and will allow OSAP to better advise future students and their home university advisers.

At the conclusion of your term you will be sent an electronic evaluation form via email. Please do take the time to complete this and return it to us, and rest assured that all responses will be received anonymously.

Housing Departure Procedures

These departure procedures are applicable to all students who are leaving at the end of the term. Please read carefully, as your transcripts may be held if you do not follow these procedures. Students are responsible for their bedroom and communal areas of the property.

Please ensure that the following is done prior to your departure:

Accommodation Requirements

  • Floors mopped or vacuumed
  • Dirty dishes washed
  • Hard surfaces wiped down
  • Bins emptied and rubbish thrown away in the correct bins outside the property
  •  Bedroom completely tidied, cleared, and vacuumed
  • Sheets stripped from the bed and stuffed into a pillow case at the foot of the bed
  • Dispose of any food or toletries in the house, unless it belongs to continuing students

Key Requirements

  • House keys must be placed in your Welcome Packet envelope, or another envelope with your name on it, and returned to the OSAP office. If you are leaving outside of office opening hours, please post them through the Chester House (21-27 George Street) letterbox marked “Washington International Studies Council & Oxford Study Abroad Programme”, or arrange for someone to return them to the office on or before your departure date. Note: There is a £50 charge for missing or un-returned keys.

Other Requirements

  • Library books/videos/DVDs should be returned as appropriate. Failure to do so may result in fines or replacement charges which must be paid or your transcript may be held.
  • College-issued keys, cards or fobs, if any, must be returned to your College Lodge (not the OSAP office); this is very important, as the colleges have a charge for missing keys, which you will be responsible to pay. You may keep your Bodleian card.
  • All college bills and battles must be paid before you depart. Your transcript will be held until all outstanding bills and balances are paid.
  • Return any borrowed gowns to the OSAP office in order to receive your deposit back.


If you plan to travel after your time in Oxford, you can store your luggage in the OSAP offices as long as you can leave–and, crucially, collect–your luggage at OSAP during regular office hours (Monday to Friday, 9am – 12pm and 2pm – 5pm). Please leave plenty of time to travel to Oxford to collect any left luggage, as sometimes students are delayed and miss the opening hours. We cannot arrange for the offices to be opened outside of the opening hours; the Chester House landlord locks the entrance to the building at about 5pm, after which the buzzer cannot be accessed.

Luggage can also be left at airports and major train stations for a fee, which you might find is a similar cost to travelling to Oxford to collect your luggage.

When you want to collect any luggage, please email info@osapabroad.com with your estimated arrival time, so that the office staff is aware, in case they have to leave early for an emergency.


In almost every case, at the end of your studies you will be issued a transcript. Associate Member transcripts are issued by OSAP; Visiting Student transcripts are issued directly by the Oxford college. See this page for more information on transcripts.

Given the components necessary for each transcript, and the potential time it takes to compile each transcript and receive the necessary approvals and signatures, students are advised that transcripts are typically issued 5 to 7 weeks from the end of the term, at which point a hard copy is sent both to the student’s permanent address and to their home university registrar.

Our students say that these transcripts are invaluable as they apply for jobs, graduate schools, etc., as each transcript includes reports (doubling as recommendation letters) from their Oxford tutors. These reports demonstrate that the student has been successful in completing work to Oxford University standards. Many of our Associate Members and Visiting Students return to Oxford as full degree candidates each year, due in large part to their OSAP transcript.

Join The OSAP Program

The OSAP overseas program in Oxford hosts the largest number of students each year.


"My academic program was very good."

"I was taught by two Professors [holders of Chairs, usually only one don in the University in each subject], both of whom were Fellows of the British Academy. My academic program could not have been better."