Passport Photos, Passports, Mail, Visas, and UK Border Control

Passport Photos
All accepted Associate Members must submit a standard passport photo as soon as possible after their acceptance. If you have not done so, please do this right away; if we do not receive it in advance of your arrival date you might experience a delay in receiving your Bodleian Library ID card.

Please visit this page for more information on the type of photo required, and submission instructions.

Passport and OSAP Acceptance Letter
Be sure to bring your passport and your OSAP acceptance letter with you when you travel. Border Agents will need to inspect both, the latter as confirmation of your acceptance for a programme of study in Britain. Make sure they are with you on your person (i.e. not in checked luggage) to present to the relevant customs officials.

You may need to apply for a visa or ETA prior to travelling to the United Kingdom.

This page on our website offers extensive guidance to determine whether you need to apply for a visa or ETA in advance of traveling to the UK.

If it is necessary for you to apply for a visa or ETA prior to traveling to the UK, please ensure you have done so and have any required documentation with you, in addition to your passport, when entering the country.

UK Border Control
If you experience difficulty entering the UK, or if the Boarder Agent has specific questions of OSAP as your sponsor, please direct them to phone WISC/OSAP at 01865.201132. These contact details are also printed on the first page of your OSAP acceptance letter.

Health Insurance
You should make certain that your health insurance covers you in the UK, and you should bring your insurance identification card with you. Because almost all of our students in the past have had their own coverage, we do not administer or recommend a particular insurance plan. Additionally, see this page for more information on medical care whilst in Oxford as an OSAP student.

Personal Mail and Parcels
If you wish to post items to yourself and have them held for you until your arrival, please use the address below. Note that this is also the best address for all mail and parcels once you are in Oxford, as the office staff can sign for any large boxes, etc.

[Student’s Name]
Oxford Study Abroad Programme
Third Floor, Chester House
21-27 George Street
Oxford OX1 2AY
United Kingdom

Please make sure that, if an ordering website fills in the address automatically, it is sent to us, at either: Washington International Studies Council, Oxford Study Abroad Programme, WISC or OSAP. It is very important that you do not have it sent to one of the other organisations based in Chester House, as they will not sign for the parcel and it will most likely be returned.

Deliveries should be collected from reception at our Chester House office. There are ‘pigeon holes’ where mail is filed alphabetically by your last name (or on the floor if it is too large). Please check these regularly; we do not send notification emails as it is put there by various couriers, tutors, staff etc.

Personal Expenses

You should plan to bring or arrange to have wired to you sufficient funds for your personal expenses (such as meals, transportation, any “extras” for your housing, and travel). You should be prepared to spend about $150 per term on books (about the same as at a major US university). You may have occasion to wear a dinner jacket or cocktail dress (used formal wear is readily available for purchase or rental in Oxford).

Students report that personal expenses in Oxford (such as dining out) are generally 60 percent higher than comparable costs in most U.S college settings. On the other hand, meals in College dining halls are a real bargain – less than the cost in US colleges.

We expect meal costs to be about $110/week and personal expenses (outside of travel) to be about $120/week.

Packing Advice

When packing for Oxford, it is important to remember that though it is an old city, Oxford is fully equipped with all the conveniences of a modern city. This means that if you forget to pack something, you will almost certainly be able to find it in a shop or store within easy walking distance of city centre. This also means that some students choose not to pack bulky or heavy items (e.g. towels), as they can be cheaply and easily purchased in Oxford.

Basically, southern England has about the same weather as New England except that it is a bit colder and rains more often. For the Winter season (after about November 1) you will need an overcoat and sweater. Fall and Spring clothing would be just what you need for the northern US.

Most Oxford students dress casually but you will need a jacket and tie at least, and a dark suit will probably be needed once in a while (or the women’s equivalent).

There is no “dress code” for tutorials per se, but smart casual dress is strongly advised. Never wear t-shirts, shorts, flip-flops or baseball caps during tutorials (the British regard the wearing of baseball caps indoors as rude and even insulting).

Visiting Students will need to wear “subfusc” once or twice–a dark suit or dress with white tie (which can be bought in Oxford, if need be), and black academic gowns (which can be obtained, by paying a refundable deposit, from the OSAP reception).

Most clubs have termly black tie dinners and there are College Balls. If you choose to attend, men can easily rent a tuxedo in Oxford. For these events, women should wear a party dress or long gown.

Recommended to Bring
In addition to the attire recommendations listed above, you might consider bringing the following, if pertinent, as several students have found them useful in the past:

  • Medications: Make sure you bring enough of any prescribed medications you might be taking to cover your entire time abroad.
  • A good rain coat or umbrella
  • USB Flash Drive (one or more)
  • AC Voltage Converter: This could be needed if you have, for example, an electric shaver or other electronic device that does not take 220v input (note that most modern devices do take 220v input, so what is need is not a voltage converter, but rather an AC Adaptor, explained below).
  • AC Adaptor: Available in various UK stores, as well as at UK airports, AC Adaptors merely changes the configuration of the plug (without converting voltage), and provides a link between your home country plug and the UK wall socket.

Not Recommended to Bring
Here is a list of items which students in the past have suggested are easier to leave at home and acquire once in Oxford:

  • Paper and notebooks
  • General toiletries
  • Towels (easily and cheaply purchased in Oxford, thus avoiding taking up valuable luggage space and weight)

"The JCR provided a warm welcome, socially, academically, and athletically, without any regard to associate member status."

"I would say OSAP is better because there is more integration with British students and a better safety net. Plus, the housing is better."