About OSAP

Together with cooperating programs of U.S. colleges, the Oxford Study Abroad Programme (OSAP) is by far the largest overseas study program in Oxford, with over 400 students last year. Since 1983 we have brought to Oxford students from 30 countries who had previously studied in over 650 colleges and universities. These students have come from such leading colleges as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Penn, Dartmouth, Johns Hopkins, Georgetown, Tufts, Duke, Stanford, McGill, Dalhousie, Yale-NUS College, the Australian National University, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the University of Chicago, the University of California, the University of Virginia, etc.

Because of our history in Oxford, our size, and our large, central Oxford office (with a staff of seven), OSAP is able to supply several added benefits and help students in many ways. No other similar program has a sizeable office in Oxford.

Affiliated with four top Oxford colleges, OSAP assists qualified students to study in Oxford as Associate Members or Visiting Students for one of the three Oxford terms, or for one one of our shorter summer sessions. We also offer a number of subject-specific summer programs, and have coordinated several customized faculty-led programs with home universities. For more information on all of these and other options, please visit this page or contact us at info@osapabroad.com.


The Oxford Study Abroad Programme (OSAP) is a division of The Washington International Studies Council (WISC). WISC is the legal company name, though operationally WISC and OSAP are the same program (same staff, same services, etc.). In short, OSAP is the trading name of WISC.

Because of this, all institutions and students who had been previously applying using a WISC application, or via the WISC website, should now use this (OSAP) website.

About WISC

The Washington International Studies Council (WISC), the legal business name of the Oxford Study Abroad Programme (OSAP), holds accreditation from the British Accreditation Council (BAC). For details, please visit this page.

"The JCR provided a warm welcome, socially, academically, and athletically, without any regard to associate member status."

"My academic program was excellent. Much more work than expected. My law and ethics course was amazing--definitely worth the work...I wrote 13 essays!"