Student Health and Welfare

OSAP takes seriously the health and welfare of its students whilst they are studying in Oxford. The OSAP staff is always available to discuss student concerns and offer support and pastoral care, and OSAP students are welcome to contact OSAP staff at any time. Contact details for senior staff, as well as for emergency services, are distributed to every student during orientation.

All students are registered with their Oxford college for full access to the college dining hall, nurse, chaplain, welfare officers, and Junior Common Room (JCR) president.

The JCR president serves as the OSAP students’ liaison officer, providing support throughout the term, and student contact details are forwarded to appropriate college administrators before the start of each term.

In addition, when needed OSAP helps to arrange for students to benefit from many of the welfare and student support services in Oxford, both within and outside the University. These include support in their Oxford college, common room welfare officers, chaplains, college doctors or nurses, and counselling services.

"The academic program was incredibly beneficial. I got a lot out of the one-on-one tutorials."

"The academic program was excellent. The OSAP administration was great. OSAP events were well planned, and it appears that OSAP gives us more privileges, access, etc. to the University than other programs."