WISC recognises that drinking can be an enjoyable and harmless feature of student life in Oxford and the U.K. All WISC students are over 18 and legally free to consume alcohol in the United Kingdom.
Nonetheless, WISC is concerned to try to make students aware of the potentially harmful effects of excessive drinking.
Please note that some home institutions require their students not to consume alcohol at all, or only under supervised conditions at events with faculty or staff. We ask that you respect these rules if they apply to you.
Drugs are illegal in the United Kingdom and possession and use of drugs will be dealt with under U.K. law and will result in immediate expulsion from the program, with no refund.
The over-consumption of alcohol can damage health, both in the short term and long term, and all students should be aware of the medically recommended maximum levels of consumption. The N.H.S. recommends that:
Men should not regularly drink more than 3-4 units of alcohol a day.
Women should not regularly drink more than 2-3 units a day.
If you’ve had a heavy drinking session, avoid alcohol for 48 hours. (‘Regularly’ means drinking this amount every day or most days of the week.)
For more information, we encourage you to visit drinkaware.co.uk.
Alcohol consumption can result in anti-social and inhibited behavior, which can lead to embarrassment, regret and physical injury to yourself and other people.
Both male and female students should be aware of the danger of “date-rape drugs” or “drink spiking” (even of soft drinks). Drinks should not be left unattended and if there is even the slightest suspicion that a drink has been tampered with, it should not be drunk.
Heavy drinking can also impair academic achievement. While extreme cases of drunkenness may come to the attention of college authorities, the more subtle effects of repeated over-drinking on a student’s academic performance – missed tutorials, poor concentration, late submissions – might not be immediately recognised, but are nonetheless serious.
Depending on the individual circumstances, unruly behaviour caused by excessive drinking may lead to disciplinary action.
Please note that students are usually bound by more than simply the WISC regulations. Usually the University of Oxford, your Oxford college, and your home institution’s own codes of conduct and regulations will apply to you.
Being under the influence of alcohol or otherwise intoxicated is not an excuse for offensive, abusive or illegal behaviour, and may be regarded as an aggravating feature.
Excessive drinking can be the first outward sign that a student is under stress and needs help.
Students can seek support from a variety of sources, if you need advice, please approach a member of staff, all information will be treated with the strictest confidence.
"My academic program was very good."
"The work was challenging and both my tutors were wonderful! Joining the crew team was one of the best things I did here; I would highly recommend getting involved in sports because you get to know so many people and meet lots of British students."