OSAP has made a special arrangement with 28@Northgate (formally 28 Beaumont Street), a medical practice in central Oxford (only a 5-minute walk from the OSAP offices) that offers a full range of medical services to OSAP students. Through our arrangement, your visits are partially subsidized, and OSAP will pay half the normal fees for any needed consultations.
During the OSAP Orientation Program, one of the doctors from 28 Beaumont Street will speak to students on making appointments and the medical services offered, handling major and minor illnesses, the National Health Service (N.H.S.), confidentiality, requests for home visits, emergencies, and other important aspects of medical care whilst studying in Oxford.
You are well advised to make certain that your medical insurance covers you during your stay in England. If it does not it is possible to obtain traveller’s health insurance for short periods. While in Britain, the National Health Service will treat you free if it is an emergency; however, since you do not pay British taxes it is only fair that they charge you for other treatment. If you are in Britain for longer than 6 months you may use the N.H.S. (free) from the date of your arrival.
There is a full hospital in Oxford. Remember that you have given us permission (in your release form) to act on behalf of your parents should an emergency arise (naturally, this is unlikely, but it is good to be prepared). We will always do all we can to help but naturally we can accept no responsibility for any medical problems.
"My academic program was excellent. Much more work than expected. My law and ethics course was amazing--definitely worth the work...I wrote 13 essays!"
"My academic program was very good."